Stepholt News

Website Trends for 2018

News Categories: Wordpress

This article was published on: 01/9/18 2:09 PM


Website Trends for 2018

2018 web trends will consist of my new and old designs, which are going to be big, bold and beautiful but more importantly clean.

With more users on Mobile devices than desktop, Designers and developers over the past few years have tried to keep mobile light for 3G / 4G browsing. As mobiles are faster, networks more reliable and cramming more pixels into devices with can show off our work in fine form.

Big Font for retina / 4K screens, pixel perfect images that do not consist of an iStock white background boring photo. Go big or go home.

Keeping the font clean on top of a visually stunning photograph with draw users in deeper.

See a few examples of fully responsive clean text headers to give you an idea of the website trends for 2018


Dream Big

Website Design
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